Minor margin and padding adjustments that were driving me insane.
Replaced placeholder images with the actual sketches and made images in gallery open on a new tab when clicked.
Moved nav bar to top of the page and changed homepage image.
Since I've been doing more traditional (as in pen on paper) sketching lately, I added a column for that in the gallery section. Only placeholder images for now tho.
Changed the layout of the homepage a bit and added the "updates" section.
Started hosting the website on Github. I have my reasons for it, might detail in a blog post (once I get to that).
Created the Gallery page and posted some of my pixel art. Will probably change the layout eventually.
Created a WIP page, mostly for myself so I can make sure everything is linked properly.
I think I'm quite happy with the current style I have going on for the website right now. It will likely stay similar to this, at least the color scheme.
Finally figured out how this whole server thing works. As of today the website is live, though it will take a lot of time to get it to look exactly the way I want.
Nikolaj me la chupai
two minutes ago is very skibidi 😔